5 Exciting (Sort Of) Related Misting Discoveries

5 Exciting (Sort Of) Related Misting Discoveries

Accidental discoveries have led to incredible innovations. Things like microwaves, misting, mauve and even x-rays were all practical accidents waiting to happen.

To ready ourselves for the impending hot weather, we’ve decided to gather a list of accidental discoveries that are directly related, or kind of related, to misting.

5. Stainless steel

In an effort to decrease the expansion of a gun barrel after firing multiple times, a gentleman named Harry Brearly began working to make a steel alloy that would resist the erosion produced by multiple bullets exiting a gun barrel. After failing numerous times, one of his samples began to shine brighter than the rest. Literally. With this accidental discovery of stainless steel, we now have the material used for our misting atomization and distribution lines.

4. Play-doh

Alright, this may be a stretch, but stick with me (puns intended!). Originally intended to be a cleaning product during the era of coal based heat production in homes, the original play-doh (although it wasn’t called that yet) was used to rub the soot off of wallpaper. Soon thereafter, natural gas began to replace coal and people did not need their wall paper cleaning product anymore. The company who invented it, Kutol, was going bankrupt and there was no solution in sight. Until children saved the day. A teacher in early 1950’s  began using the material as modeling clay in her classrooms. And now we have play-doh.

Now we have play-doh for the children to play with, as we sit with our families on our back patios, enjoying the outdoors even during the hottest times of year. Misting systems allow us to be more family oriented, more outdoor friendly, more available for moments of connection. Like making animals using play-doh with our children or grandchildren.

3. Popsicles

11 year old Frank Epperson was a forgetful boy. Inventive, but forgetful. One chilly evening in San Francisco in 1905, he made himself a soda-like drink by mixing powder and water together with a spoon. He sat outside on the porch enjoying it but left it outside, unfinished. The next morning, he found the frozen water with the spoon stuck in the middle.  He took it out. He licked it. It was delicious. End of story.

‘Cause there’s nothing like a popsicle outside, underneath a misting system, to cool down after a hot day.

2. Ice Cream Cones

The rules are, “No eating ice cream cones inside.” Without cones, there would be no cream of ice. No dripping, sticky mess that requires hoses and giggles. And without a misting system in the desert heat, it’s likely you’ll forgo both and stay inside. Don’t risk missing out on moments like these.

1. Misting for Air Scrubbing


Misting systems did not necessarily emerge from an accident. But one of the uses did. Traditionally used for cooling and fog effects, environmental awareness of the adverse effects of particulate matter begged for a cleaning solution. Enter, mist. Due to the surface area of the atomized water particles and the natural cleansing properties of water, running your misting system essentially cleans the air around you.

Misting isn’t just a luxury item. It creates environments where moments that might not happen, can. It is for making memories. It is for air purifying.